Video's for education & enjoyment

Life Jackets

Video's of our club and area

Drone Footage

Drone footage of a fishing boat launching out off the Patea Bar in pretty good conditions for a glorious days fishing.

Crossing the Patea Bar in good conditions

The conditions for this bar crossing were excellent. But even so, the skipper of this vessel still approaches the swell with caution.

A Days Fishing

A glorious day in Patea. This video shows a bit of fishing and some of the facilities such as wash down, clubrooms and the jetty.

Boat coming back in over the Patea river bar

Boats returning back from a Project Reef Life Expedition. Calm day, and calm seas at Patea, but still the river bar looks challenging to cross back over.

Educational Video's

Project Reef South Taranaki Trailer

Stunning footage of our area. The official 2020 trailer for Project Reef South Taranaki. Directed by former HHS student, Rebecca Pratt. Watch the full documentary here.

Reef diving off Patea

Some of the marine life at Spot X out off Patea. From The South Taranaki Reef Life Project.

The Crack

Sponges of South Taranaki Reef 'The Crack'. A four nautical mile fault line, South Taranaki, New Zealand.

How to cross a bar safely

Even for the most experienced boaties, bar crossings are a high-risk activity. This clip provides information on how to make safer bar crossings.

Bar Crossing Video's

Patea bar at low tide

This video shows the issues of trying to cross the Patea bar when the tide is too low. Probably some damage to the boat here!

Bar crossings compilation

A video highlighting various bar crossings in New Zealand and Australia when it's gone wrong. Watch and Learn!

Going out over the Patea Bar

Amateur footage of two boats going out over the Patea bar. Two different styles!